Dr. Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday

Postdoctoral Researcher

Mittelstrasse 43
3012 Bern

In my postdoctoral project, titled ‘Feminist decolonial analysis of the fourth industrial revolution discourses’, I analyse the neoliberal-gendered-colonial assumptions in the future of work narratives. By analysing how ‘future work’ and ‘future workers’ are produced through these discourses, I seek to uncover the exclusions that such narratives produce. The project involves analysing policies by various multilateral organizations and multinational consultancy comapnies as they are at the forefront of producing ‘expert knowledges’ on the future of work. The primary contribution of this project is to highlight the absences and exclusions that neoliberal-gendered-colonial regimes of power create within 4IR practices and policymaking. Accordingly, the project also involves thinking of alternative future of work imaginaries.

  • Scholar of organizational behavior and labour studies
  • Postdoctoral researcher (ESKAS)
  • Postdoc project: Feminist decolonial analysis of the fourth industrial revolution discourses
  • Dissertation: Governing subjectivities: Investigating employment relations in the Indian Information Technology industry
  • at the IZFG since: September 2023 - ongoing

Thematic priorities

  • Critical management studies
  • Discourse and subjectivities
  • Technology and work
  • Decolonial, feminist and queer theory at work

Methodological priorities

  • Thinking with theory
  • Discourse analysis
  • Thematic analysis
  • Problematization

Journal publications

Dixit, A., & Banday, M. U. L (2022) Problematizing the digital gender gap: Invoking decoloniality and intersectionality for inclusive policymaking. Gender and Development, 30(3), 437-457.

D’Cruz, P., Noronha, E., Banday, M. U. L., & Chakraborty, S (2021). Place matters: (Dis)embeddedness and child labourers’ experiences of depersonalised bullying in Indian Bt cottonseed global production networks. Journal of Business Ethics, 176, 241–263.

Noronha, E., D’Cruz, P., & Banday, M. U. L. (2020). Navigating embeddedness: Experiences of Indian Information Technology suppliers and employees in the Netherlands. Journal of Business Ethics, 164(1), 95–113.

Book Chapters

Dixit, A., & Banday, M. U. L. (forthcoming) Postcolonial pandemic: Inadequate science, deferential business and disposable lives of the global south.

Noronha, E., D’Cruz, P., Chakraborty, S & Banday, M. U. L. (2022). Drawing one’s lifeworld: A methodological technique for researching bullied child workers. In E. Bell, S. Singh & T. Butcher (Eds.). Empowering Methods in Organisational and Social Research. Routledge, India.

Banday, M. U. L., Chakraborty, S., D’Cruz, P., & Noronha, E. (2018). Abuse faced by child labourers: Novel territory in workplace bullying. In P. D’Cruz, E. Noronha, A. Mendonca & N. Mishra (Eds.). Indian Perspectives on Workplace Bullying: A Decade of Insights. (pp. 173–204). Springer, Singapore.

Peer reviewed conference papers/presentations

Banday M. U. L. & Amacker, M. (2024). Ideal workers in the ‘future of work’ policies: A decolonial feminist analysis of the fourth industrial revolution discourses. Accepted for presentation at Swiss Sociological Association Conference, 2024.

Gallistl, V, Banday, M. U. L, Berridge, C et al. (2023) The co-constitution of ageing and AI – A research agenda. Socio-Gerontology Annual Meeting, Open University of Netherlands, 2023.

Banday, M. U. L. & Dixit, A. (2023). Decolonizing work: Unpacking gendered-colonial distinctions between work from home and domestic work. Swiss Association of Gender Studies Conference, University of Lausanne, 2023.

Banday, M.U.L & Silveira, A (2022). Unencumbered care: Queer-feminist resistances, contestations and solidarities within higher education in neoliberal times. Gender Studies Conference, University of Oulu, 2022.

Banday, M. U. L. (2022). Governing through skills: Intersecting discourses of Fourth industrial revolution and neoliberalism in the Indian Information Technology industry.  British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2022.

Banday, M. U. L. (2022). Neoliberalism and the digital revolution: Governing employees through ‘reskill or perish’ norm.  40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), 2022.

Banday, M. U. L., Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. (2021) Enterprise discourse and clusivity: Negotiating age and gender in the Indian IT industry. 37th EGOS Colloquium, 2021.

Banday, M. U. L. (2021) Beyond coding and thematising: Thinking ‘data’ and ‘theory’ through each other. 17th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, 2021.

Banday, M. U. L., Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. (2021) Being ‘young’: Learning and slogging practices among Indian IT sector workers. 39th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), Greenwich, 2021.

Banday, M. U. L., Noronha, E., & D’Cruz, P. (2021) Unionising as ‘truth telling’: A Foucauldian analysis of unionism in the Indian IT sector. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference, 2021.

Banday, M. U. L., Noronha, E., Chakraborty, S., & D’Cruz, P. (2019). At the far ends of global production networks (GPNs): Child labour in hybrid cottonseed production in western India. 37th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC), Vienna, 2019.

Noronha, E., D’Cruz, P., Banday, M. U. L., & Chakraborty, S. (2019). Abuse of child workers in Bt cottonseed global production networks: A study from India. Modern Slavery Symposium, Crawley, Australia, 2019.

Noronha, E., Banday, M. U. L., Chakraborty, S., & D’Cruz, P. (2018). Children’s portrayal of employers’ power on BT cottonseed farms in India. 36th Annual International Visual Sociology Association (IVSA) Conference, Evry, France, 2018.

Project reports

Banday, M. U. L., & Chakraborty, S. (2019). Child labour in Bt cottonseed production in North Gujarat and South Rajasthan. Centre for Labour Research and Action (CLRA), India and Sudwind Institute, Germany. Published by CLRA and Sudwind Institute.

Banday, M. U. L., & Dev, V. (2017). Understanding planned organisational changes in the Indian family managed businesses. Project report. Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.

Other publications

Banday, M. U. L. (2023) (Editor). Impact of covid-19 on environmental sustainability, Sustainability Newsletter, Vol 3, Issue 4, Centre for Excellence in Sustainable Development, Goa Institute of Management.

  • British Sociological Association (BSA)
  • International Critical Management Studies (ICMS)
  • Peer Community In Org Studies (PCI Org)