Project lead
Rosa Philipp, M.Sc.
Project title
Cuerpo & Territorio: A Feminist Political Ecology of female protagonism in environmental conflicts
The Interoceanic Corridor infrastructure project, which aims to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, is currently being built on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. It includes several projects designed to 'develop' the region. However, it is leading to the division of communities, the privatisation of social property and the environmental contamination of the territory. In response, several resistance movements have emerged with the aim of defending their lands in the context of the mega-project. In Latin America, resistance to such (neo-)extractivist infrastructure projects and the environmental conflicts that accompany them, as well as the defence of land and territory, have become increasingly important.
Building on Feminist Political Ecology (FPE), which focuses on the relationships between bodies and territories in environmental conflicts, this PhD project examines the role of (indigenous) women's relationships with their territories in political activism against the Corredor Interoceánico infrastructure project. Following the theoretical framework of FPE, I work with feminist collaborative audio-visual, interviews, workshops and participant observation methods to highlight the spatialised and embodied experiences of women in resistance. In the 3rd paper I highlight the bodies in resistance.
Prof. Dr. Carolin Schurr (University of Bern) and Prof. Dr. Christian Steiner (University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt), Dr. Monika Streule (ETH Zürich)